How to feel like a mermaid

How to feel like a mermaid

How to feel like a mermaid…

  1. Swim naked in the sea
  2. Grow your hair long
  3. Drink lots of water to glow
  4. Massage your belly & womb
  5. Sun bathe
  6. Oil your hair
  7. Sing and chant
  8. Shake it out
  9. Don’t use make up
  10. Be brave, compassionate, courageous, & kind
  11. Clean your life
  12. Dance often
  13. Help people
  14. Self pleasure often
  15. Drink herbal teas
  16. Oil your nails
  17. Draw mandalas & art
  18. Kiss your lover a lot & with passion
  19. Breathe deeply
  20. Rest when needed
  21. Make love often
  22. Splash rose water on your face
  23. Respect your cycles
  24. Oil your full body
  25. Massage your boobs regularly
  26. Moon bathe
  27. Create that which you wished existed

 🧜‍♀️ 🧜‍♀️ 🍉💋

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